Hair Transplant Treatment, but not in a role? The back of the head can be used as a donor area. If the number of hair in the buza is sufficient, hair transplantation can be done. At this stage, the required number of sowing should be reached. If the number is sufficient, the operation is performed by the surgeon. The operation is completed with the removal of healthy hair and its replacement.
Who Can Have a Hair Transplant and Who Can’t?

First of all, hair analysis should be done. Then, in the light of all the controls, what kind of treatment and post-operative method will be followed is determined. All of these works are done under the responsibility of the surgeon. Then the results are shared with the person who wants to have a hair transplant. After that, the patient is expected to see the results and accept the method. If the patient accepts them, the appropriate date and details are decided.
On the other hand, men and women experience congenital hair loss. In addition, it is desired to hide damage such as burn problems and hair loss, some surgical scars and accidents. Therefore, as a result of excessive stretching of the patient’s hair, shedding becomes more frequent. There may also be situations such as consciously or unconsciously plucking the hair or breaking it independently. The patient has hair transplantation for many different reasons, including the occurrence of such things. In terms of age, it should be noted that the patient must be at least 18 years old and there is no upper age limit. The hair follicles to be transplanted are taken from the person himself. Or, identical twins are used.
How is Beard Transplantation Done With the FUE Technique?
Technology is developing day by day and it is able to respond to the needs of human beings with more and more every day. Therefore, being in the psychological traumas of beard loss will not be the end of you anymore. In other words, we have the necessary technological tools. Hair follicles to be taken from the nape can be planted in your mustache and beard area. Your transplanted beard should be completely visible. This is possible with the passage of 4 to 8 months. There should be no incisions, scars or any negative development on your face. Meanwhile, micro needles as small as 0.5 mm are used in the operation. With the help of these needles, channels are opened without cutting the skin. Finally, beards are started to be planted. You can direct all your questions to us. Those who want to get information about beard and hair transplant prices in Antalya from our company! Call us now!
Note : Our company does mustache, eyebrow and eyelash transplantation as well as hair and beard transplantation. All of the operations are carried out with the FUT technique.